331 Company Focus / Strategy

People ask, “what do you do?” Our response is always, “ what do you need?” Our focus is helping you function better, faster, and more efficiently. 

We offer the direction to take you from where you are to where you need to be.

Our inspiration is to give you permission to breathe. Our goal is to be that one call you need to get that one thing done, whether it’s a project or a problem. You’ve not been able to get to ‘it’. Let’s discuss how we can help.

Client Satisfaction and Project Success is what drives us; motivates us. It’s what our reputation hinges on. If we can’t help, we won’t try. We’d rather turn away business than over promise (or overcharge) and not deliver. “I can rebuild alliances but I cannot replace client trust.”

We may not be able to build you a website, or a fence, for that matter. We may not be able to organize your closet. But, we’re sure we know someone that can. 

We work with a phenomenal network of professionals, and have enormous confidence in our contacts. Our associates are not random Social Media connection requests or algorithm suggestions. We’ve met; maybe for coffee, or we’ve spoken before during or after an event or trade show. We might have gone to the ball game, or have actually worked together.

The point is, we know and understand each other and we share a culture. If 331 cannot help, we know where to turn.